Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Nopalea for Your Seasonal Aches and Pains

Here we are heading full swing into the fall season with all the extra allergens and cooler temperatures. Be assured that you do not have to let the season slow you down with all those little and big discomforts. With the threat of flu season, TriVita can offer you numbers of vitamins. Fight the colds with C, you hear it all the time and need more pep in your step, then up your vitamin B ......... check out the extensive list of products here to help you make the best of each day so you can share your time with loved ones. Remember most afflictions tie back to inflammation; arthritis, diabetes, heart diseases, fibromyalgia, chronic headaches, vision pain, slow healing to wounds and on and on.....Nopalea could turn those problems around for you or at least it can not hurt to try. What is Nopalea? It is a health drink made from the antioxidant-rich Nopal cactus superfruit blended with naturally sweet Agave nectar and with an array of beneficial nutrients to bring you a deliciously unique concentrated wellness drink. The natives from the Sonoran Desert have made this a regular part of their diet for generations and have benefited from the anti-inflammatory properties of the betalains found in the Nopal.

I recently talked to my mother (I have referred to her health problems in previous blogs), she said had missed her Nopalea for 4 or 5 days and she was starting to notice a little pain and ache returning in her shoulders and joints, then she said she started taking it again and she could definitely feel the difference already after a couple of doses. I think that may have influenced my sister in law.

My sister in law started the loading doses (3 oz) yesterday, Oct. 12, and I am really hoping it will kick her arthritis right out into oblivion. She is a very busy mother with 6 children from 14 years to 7 months, that works full time and still runs crazy to scouts, soccer, football and is about to tackle a season of basketball. She has struggled with the pain for soooo long and it has kept her from handling her babies for the pain in her hands. I wish for that to not be a problem anymore and will keep an update on her as well.

My husband certainly does not complain from nagging knee pain anymore and if he feels the weather changing he gears up for it with a little extra Nopalea just in case. Ater all, we are just talking an ounce of precaution from the bright pink bottle instead of the aches and pains.

I, too, find myself fighting off future hurts with a little advanced dose and so far it has paid off. Yesterday was a busy, run everywhere kind of day and with a baby quite in my arms, often, and last night I could have kicked myself for not gearing up, but I took a larger dose before bed and slept fine. The best part is I am not paying today for yesterday's fun with aches and pains.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Hello Bloomheads! I hope this post finds all well and taking their Sonoran Bloom daily. Spring is upon us and many people are suffering from allergies already, so as you run into these sufferers, tell them about Nopalea and the many other helpful products from Tri Vita. This season has hit many people with arthritis rough as well, and there is no better time to check out the values Nopalea can offer as when you are fighting pain. Help your friend or neighbor by hooking them up with us so we can offer them ways to deal better with the changes in the seasons and the effects it leaves on their bodies. Nopalea can aid in the bodies circulation and that is the first step to quality of life so love your neighbor enough to let them know that there is help!! Give them a peek at the blog below!

Valeria Temple

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